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- Published on Thursday, 08 May 2014 13:20
- Hits: 3312
Biophysics@Rome 2014
May 22nd
9.15 -10.00 Registration & BREAKFAST
10.00-10.30 Institutional Greetings and Conference Opening
SESSION 1 Networks&Modeling Chair: J. Rau, L. Businaro
10.30-10.45 A. Barra, Finitely Connected Lymphocyte Networks in the Immune System
10.45-11.00 L.B. Caruso, Topological Networks in the study of protein structure-function relationships
11.00-11. 15 G. Dattoli, Scaling laws, tumor evolution, capillary networks and metastasis diffusion
11.15-11.30 L. Guidoni, The molecular biophysics of photosynthesis explored by first principles
11.30-11.45 D. Simone, Modeling neuronal structure-function relationships: a computational approach
12.00-14.00 Lunch & Poster Session
SESSION 2 Proteins Chair: V. Mussi, L. Stella
14.00-14.45 Invited Talk: B. Bechinger
Biophysical investigations of designed histidine-rich peptides with potent biological activities
14.45-15.00 D. Di Marino, All-atom MD Simulation of Protein Translocation through α-hemolysin Nanopore: Implications for Protein Sequence/Structural Analyses
15.00-15.15 F: Cecconi, Coarse-grained modeling of protein unspecifically bound to DNA
15.15-15.30 M. Chinappi, Protein translocation through nanopores: multistep translocation pathways from Molecular Dynamics simulations
15.30-16.15 Coffee Break & Poster Session
SESSION 3 Sensors&Materials Chair: F. Di Pietrantonio, L. Maiolo
16.15-17.00 Invited Talk: S. D’Auria,
Understanding Protein Structure Opens New Diagnostic Avenues
17.00-17.15 F. Marracino, Characterization of GafChromic EBT3 films with 60CO and low energy protons for radiobiology dosimetry
17.15-17.30 J.E. Villarreal-Barajas, Luminescence response of pure LiF crystals irradiated with 60Co gamma rays and MV x rays clinical beams
17.30-17.45 A. Moleti, Cochlear scale-invariance and time-frequency analysis of optoacoustic emissions
17.45-18.00 A. Rinaldi, Statistical methods for the design of bioscaffolds for tissue engineering