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Biophysics@Rome 2015

CNR, Area della Ricerca di Tor Vergata

Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100

28 & 29 May 2015


>>>(how to get there?)<<<

 Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission  April 30th2015

On 20th December 2013, the General Assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed 2015 the International Year of Light and Light-based technologies (IYL 2015, http://www.light2015.org).

In this context, we decided to dedicate the opening of this second Edition of the Conference to “light themes”, to evidence the role of advanced optical techniques in biophysics, bio-analytics and biomedicine, still preserving the final aim of building a robust bridge between Companies and places traditionally devoted to frontier research. A renewed important opportunity to be seized to discuss of innovative solutions in a field in rapid expansion and intended to have a huge social and economic impact.

Topics and subjects:                                                 

Invited Speakers:                                              

Computational Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

Bioinformatics and System Biology



Medical Physics

Quantum Effects


Microscopy and Spectroscopy

Super-resolved Fluorescence Microscopy

Sensors and Devices



Novel Materials

A. Diaspro

Department of Nanophysics,

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) &

Department of Physics, University of Genoa


G. Bianconi

School of  Mathematics,

Queen Mary University of London


F. Filocamo

Ufficio Ricerca Industriale, MIUR


G. Salviati


M. Dinescu

NILPRP, National Institute for Lasers, Plasma,

and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania


Abstract DeadlineApril 30th, 2015                                                     

Abstract should be submitted on-line

Abstracts must be prepared according to the conference template     

and will be chosen as oral or poster presentation accordingly to

the author requests and the editorial board evaluation.

Registration Deadline: April 30, 2015

contact: info (at) biophysicsatrome.org                       

Francesca Bertani

Valentina Mussi

064993 4166/4768

Luca Businaro



Please submit you best images or pictures for the


The best images will be awarded during the Meeting (submission deadline May 20th, 2015)

The Tech4Bio Organizing Committee:


Francesca Bertani ( CNR - ISC )

Massimiliano Benetti  (CNR - IDASC )

Luca Businaro ( CNR - IFN ) 

Domenico Cannatà  (CNR - IDASC )

Simone Dinarelli (CNR - ISM )

Fabio Di Pietrantonio CNR - IDASC )

Marco Fosca (CNR - ISM )

Ennio Giovine (CNR - IFN)

Annamaria Gerardino ( CNR - IFN )

Marco Girasole ( CNR - ISM )

Luca Maiolo ( CNR - IMM )

Valentina Mussi ( CNR - ISC )

Andrea Notargiacomo ( CNR - IFN )

Marialilia Pea ( CNR - IFN )

Julietta V. Rau (CNR - ISM )

Adele De Ninno (CNR - IFN)