Biophysics@Rome 2017

Aula Convegni CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro

18 & 19 May 2017

>>>(how to get there?)<<<

Deadline for Abstract Submission  April 21st 2017

When I think of new fields in science that have been opened, I don’t think of interdisciplinary teams combining existing skills to solve a defined problem - I think of single interdisciplinary people inventing new ways to look at the world.”  Prof. Sean R. Eddy

This third Edition of Biophysics@Rome aims to contribute to create a fertile ground for the emergence of “interdisciplinary people”, putting together skills and expertise coming from different intersecting fields. An occasion to discuss the future challenges of multidisciplinary research, right at the interface between engineering, life and physical sciences, which is the fastest growing area in the modern science, with unique opportunities for scientific discovery and development.


Topics and subjects:                           

Invited Speakers:                                              


Microscopy and Spectroscopy

Sensors and Devices



Novel Materials

Regenerative Medicine

Laser Processing

Soft Materials

Computational Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

Bioinformatics and System Biology



Medical Physics

Quantum Effects

Piero Angela


Giorgio Parisi

  Physics Department,

  University of Rome “La Sapienza”


Giuseppe Remuzzi

  IRCCS-Mario Negri, Bergamo;

  Dep. of Medicine, Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis,

  ASST—Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo;

  Dep. of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences,

  University of Milano


Valentina C. Dinca

  NILPRP, National Institute for Lasers, Plasma,

  and Radiation Physics - Magurele, Romania


Miguel A. Correa-Duarte

  Team Nano Tech, Department of Physical Chemistry,

  University of Vigo, Spain



Abstract DeadlineApril 21st, 2017                                                    

Abstract should be submitted on-line

Abstracts must be prepared according to the conference template     

and will be chosen as oral or poster presentation accordingly to

the author requests and the editorial board evaluation.


Presentations can include:


• Oral presentations (abstract max 600 words)
• Posters (abstract max 600 words)

Registration Deadline: April 29th, 2017

contact: info (at)                       

Francesca Bertani


Valentina Mussi

064993 4166/4768

Luca Businaro



Please submit (template) your best images or pictures for the


The best images will be awarded during the Meeting (submission deadline May 15th, 2017)

The Organizing Committee:

The Tech4Bio Group


Francesca Bertani ( CNR - IFN )

Massimiliano Benetti  (CNR - IDASC )

Luca Businaro ( CNR - IFN ) 

Domenico Cannatà  (CNR - IDASC )

Simone Dinarelli (CNR - ISM )

Fabio Di Pietrantonio CNR - IDASC )

Antonella Lisi (CNR-IFT)

Mario Ledda(CNR - IFT )

Annamaria Gerardino ( CNR - IFN )

Marco Girasole ( CNR - ISM )

Luca Maiolo ( CNR - IMM )

Valentina Mussi ( CNR - ISC )

Andrea Notargiacomo ( CNR - IFN )

Marialilia Pea ( CNR - IFN )

Adele De Ninno (CNR - IFN )

The SIPBA Group:

Velia Minicozzi (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

Lorenzo Stella (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)